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[en] The main theme of the project – a dark box containing private spaces sustained by a series of white walls which delineate the semipublic spaces, is completed by the relations a contemporary living environment needs to establish to its environment, either built or natural. The system of courtyards together with the main living spaces mediates the transition between public and private, being made up in relation to the landscape and the natural light, designed to assure the intimacy, communication and exposure needed by a young family.
The whole space on the ground level, the exterior one of the courtyard and the interior one of the living areas is divided and ordered by a series of white walls that cross it, support the box that comprises the bedroom and split it into five exterior courtyards, differently orientated and having different degrees of permeability. Seen from the outside, the interior functions are divided in two typologies: spaces of a strong public character, those of the day routine, located on the ground-floor, opened and fluid and the private spaces that host the night activities, located on the first floor and enclosed in a black volume. From the inside the delimitation is much more flexible and can be largely dictated by its users. The living room, kitchen and dining area are open functional areas contained by a large space, partially delimited by the white walls, similar to the courtyards. On the ground floor the space remains fluid, white and strongly flooded by natural light, minimally furnished with simple volumes. The large windows allow almost complete opening, counting on the flexibility of the interior/exterior delimitation.

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[ro] Tema principala a proiectului – o cutie inchisa la culoare destinata spatiilor private sustinuta de o serie de pereti albi ce delimiteaza spatiile semipublice, este completata de relatiile pe care trebuie sa le stabileasca la ora actuala o locuinta cu mediul inconjurator, construit sau natural. Sistemul de curti impreuna cu spatiile principale mediaza trecerea intre public spre privat, fiind compus in relatie cu peisajul si lumina naturala cu scopul de a asigura atat intimitatea cat si comunicarea si expunerea necesare unei familii tinere.
Intregul spatiu de la nivelul terenului, atat cel exterior al curtii cat si cel interior al zonelor de zi este divizat si ordonat de o serie de ziduri albe care il strabat, sustin cutia ce gazduieste dormitoarele si il impart in cinci curti exterioare, orientate diferit si avand grade diferite de permeabilitate. Privite din exterior functiunile interioare se impart in doua tipologii: spatii avand un caracter public pronuntat, cele de zi, aflate la parter, deschise si fluide si spatiile private ce gazduiesc functiunile de noapte aflate la etaj, inchise intr-un volum negru. Dinspre interior insa delimitarea este mult mai flexibila si poate fi in mare parte dictata de utilizatori. Livingul, bucataria si locul de luat masa sunt zone functionale deschise intr-un spatiu amplu, delimitate partial de zidurile albe asemenea curtilor exterioare. La parter spatiul ramane fluid, alb si puternic iluminat natural, mobilat minimal cu volume simple. Vitrajele mari permit deschiderea aproape completa, mizand pe flexibilitatea delimitarii interior/exterior.

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AUTHOR: Attila Wenczel
LOCATION: Dumbravita / Timisoara, RO
PICTURES: Attila Wenczel
CREDITS: best house A_TA 2012, Rigips Trophy 2013 Romania
PUBLICATION:;; De Arhitectura NO 38 – ISSN 1582-179X; Arhitectura – Numar special (U.A.R) Romania, ISSN: 1220-3254, pp.110-11; Case din Romania 5 ISBN: 978-606-8026-27-5 pp.80-87; Impuls No. 13 (igloomedia) Bucuresti (Romania) pp. 18-19; Igloo No. 134 ISSN: 1583-7688 pp. 26-31; Doma – Belarusia – No.27(6)2013 ISSN: 2221-4631; Octogon – Hungary – ISSN 1418-5229